Older Adults

at First Alliance Church

Evensong Fellowship

We welcome you to this afternoon of song and warm fellowship. In the comfortable setting of our library lounge, we gather to enjoy God and each other over tea, coffee, and other treats.


Warm hearts are ready to welcome you!

1st Thursday of the month - 2pm - FAC Lounge

Open Arms

Older adults from the community are welcome to enjoy games and friendship with one another and older adults from the church in the relaxed comfortable environment of the library lounge.

We also hold a knitting class from 1-3pm. Come to learn and enjoy a good time together!

Tuesday Afternoons - 2-4pm - FAC Lounge


You are welcome to join Cornerstone for our monthly luncheon at 12:30pm followed by engaging speakers; each fall and spring, a bus outing is planned to see the sights of Ontario while enjoying friendship with one another.

3rd Thursday of the month - 12:30pm - FAC Multi-Purpose Room